Tuesday, August 9, 2011

August, 2011

Well, we went to card class Thursday and made two really pretty cards. Linda is so talented coming up with these cards every month.

I really love this one. The striped ribbon is so pretty.
Lynn gave me a Tim Holtz configuration box before we went to Paris. I took the measurements of the individual boxes with me so I could be sure to buy some items to fit in the boxes.

I finished it last week and this is what it looks like now.
Lynn came over last night and we worked on the metal picture from my bedroom. It now matches the room. Lynn did most of it. I think it looks really good, especially against the grey wall.
I went to see Raquel's (A teacher at my school) new baby today. Isn't she adorable?

She slept on my shoulder for over 30 minutes.

See how she loves her big brother!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Back from Paris

Well, we have been back about 3 weeks. The trip was fabulous. If you haven't been to my other blog and looked at the pictures, here is the URL: www.jsspicer.blogspot.com
I didn't do a lot of shopping while we were in France. I would rather spend my time doing other things and going to see things, but I did splurge and buy myself a tapestry pocketbook in Bayeux. I just love it and am so glad I bought it.

This past week I have been redoing our bedroom. I was not happy with the bedspread etc. I bought a couple of years ago and I wanted to go back to having two of the walls red. So, here is the new look. I still have to shorten the curtains for the bathroom window and cover the bench that goes at the end of the bed, but I am very happy with it. I even bought red towels for the bathroom.
Alex and I drove up to Tally Saturday for Bennett's baptism. James was supposed to have off, but he wound up having to work for another co-worker, so he couldn't go. Look at this adorable baby. Isn't he precious.
Here he is with his parents and godparents.
I guess the baptism wore him out because he was asleep before Alex carried the car seat out of the church.
Flat Stanley decided to take a nap too. Brooke outdid herself with the food. It was all so beautiful, I really thought she bought it but she did it all by herself. Way to go Brooke! I don't know that I would have taken all that time to do it myself. I would have been lazy and bought it.
Afterwards, all the "boys" spent time playing trains. I don't think they ever grow up!
Of course, I had to stop at the brand new Hobby Lobby in Tally while I was there. It would be against the rules not to stop. I, of course, bought some scrapbook paper and stamps but I also bought this adorable decoration for outside our front door this fall. Isn't he cute?
I have this metal decoration I bought last time I redecorated our bedroom and I really like it so I don't want to get rid of it. I am going to change the colors to red, gray and black and use it again. Here is the before. I will add the after when I get finished with it.
We go to card class this Thursday, so I should have some cards to post Friday.