Saturday, April 10, 2010

Spring Break-at last

Well, it finally has arrived-Spring Break. It really is late this year. Hopefully next year it will be earlier. We needed a break right after FCAT-that lovely test students in Florida have to take every year. Anyway, on my first day of break, after cleaning house, doing laundry, and laying out in the sun for 30 minutes-yes winter has finally left us and spring has arrived, I worked on some pages for the 8 x 8 magnetic frames. Here is one for Frances of Francois at 4 months. I have to develop some pictures tomorrow so I can do the 5th month page and mail them both together. I am a bit behind it seems. I am waiting on Adam to upload some pictures of Jack at 3 months so I can do their page before I go to Tallahassee. That way I can take it with me.

Isn't he precious! I wish I could go see him this summer. Oh well, maybe next year.
I finally did a page for my frame too. I did Jack and Francois on the page with their daddys.
I usually take my old page and glue it to a 12 x 12 paper and put it in my scrapbook. This time I decided to take it and surround it with other pictures and make them like a border on the 12 x 12 page. It actually turned out pretty neat and used up a lot of pictures.
I can't wait until Wednesday. I am going to Tallahassee to see Jack for 3 days. I am so excited. I know he has changed so much since he was here. Brooke went back to work on Monday and Adam is staying home with him. Since he can work at home, it is a good solution until summer and Brooke is out of school. I truly wish we could afford to sell our house and move to Tallahassee and babysit Jack. If the economy ever turns around, that is what we will do, hopefully.